Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday over!?

Lo..phir aa gaya MONDAY! It’s a day to feel mundane again! A day to feel the blues! & I’m wondering.. WTF! WHERE THE HELL DID MY WEEKEND GO??

Is it an irony or what? Eversince I have become a professional, I find weekends not long enough, even if there is another day off on a Saturday or Monday. Infact, there are not many ‘big’ things that just ruin my weekend. Blame it on my sedentary lifestyle. I get up when day is almost half gone. Just lay around all day long. Watch some lame movies, play games on laptop, eat, laze and don't do jack all day. And none to blame but myself! I'm living to that fact and not going to kick myself about it. What else do you expect from a Sunday?

There were times when Sundays used to be as long as enough for the day. There were lots of things to do. Day used to start early. Morning walks, a session of cricket with dad (I miss it badly!), a healthy heart breakfast alongwith morning TV shows. Till afternoon, time used to fly by with some best-out-of-waste craft-work or de-cluttering my room or cleaning the house. Tranquil Sunday afternoons for others were never calm for me, specially, when listening to the weekly radio show based on forthcoming Diamond Comics on Vividh-Bharti. I still remember its jingle "Chunnu padhta Diamond Comics, Munni padhti Diamond Comics, Mazedaar Hai Diamond Comics..DIAMOND COMICS!" ..with an added music of “Lakdi ki kathi”! A staple Sunday lunch.. chawal with either kadhi, rajma, choley, arhar daal or roti-mutton.. was something I simply loved! A brief nap followed by cricket with my neighborhood pals towards the evening was fun. Going to market with dad, packing bags for the next day, singing classic songs/ghazals in power-cuts, an early dinner and a goodnight sleep! Mondays could never be as fresh as they were then!

Sounds like an essay on ‘how do you spend your Sunday?’ ..well that’s the way weekends were! I miss the time, and life then. Wish I could sustain that disciplined lifestyle or recuperate the same.

What if I can..may be, may be not. But atleast this post reminded me of a few good things & memories of priceless times I cherish. So whatever happens to my next weekend, this had a happy ending! :)

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