Saturday, December 6, 2008

YES, we can!

Reading through an article in Delhi Times, I felt that silence is not a conventional phenomenon anymore in India. The outrage has grown bigger in proportion than being expected in the past. No matter many believe that this protest came very late, in respect to the preceding tragic events throughout the country. But atleast the people of India together realized that the time to turn ‘Anger into Action’ has arrived. People are wholeheartedly standing up to be counted among those who want to condemn the act of violence.

And why not. India’s upward stature on the world map has definitely made the present situation go international. The smoldering pictures of Hotel Taj have perhaps portrayed India’s optimistic representation of this jolt. And the global impact is not an argot. It is real, and our reason to believe in ourselves that none can counteract.

The front page headline on TOI says, “Will jihadis have last laugh? India has few options” Ofcourse. Post-Mumbai carnage, a lot has to be done to see these jihadis having last laugh. And with few options still available, India should make an exertion to come out of this wretched situation. Let it do whatever it takes to make Pakistan & all its confrontational elements feel virtually paralyzed. May it be bombing the terrorist camps in PoK and around, executing the captured fidayins, shoot at sight the infiltrators, confine the re-emergence of any separatist force around or even taking over Pakistan which just pretense that it is committed to the war against terror and is not, in any way, associated with terrorists.

Though we can only hope that an action against Pakistan is inevitable now. But we are sure that every single Indian Zionist would be a factor in this canvass against the eccentric expression of Holy War! Come. Let us all stand together and say - YES, we can!

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