Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Democratic Catastrophe for ‘India Shining’

With the recent events, which have happened in Mumbai and prior in other cities since last 8 months, have stunned the byword ‘India Shining’. Serial Bomb blasts, Civil War like situation within the country, Warfront: Mumbai. Situational headlines as such have pulled down the valued image of our country from the world map. India shone but integral conditions deteriorated. No matter what the economical success quotient is, but India can still not contend with its internal state of affairs. And who else to blame? It is our political set that has to be condemned for this mortification. The politicians are treacherous, explicitly inappropriate and extremely neglecting in performing their basic obligations and gratifying responsibilities towards their nation and the citizens who put them into power. Their lewd remarks on the outrage of people over recent Mumbai terror attack, proves the height of disconnection between the country’s political elite and the common man. Though Mr. P Chidambaram might be promising enough to assure as new Home Minister, but till how long? Elections may again break our conviction. And at that point of time, we – the people of India, would have to yet again choose these bloodsucking despots who just play a ‘vote bank’ politics, attesting ourselves sycophants. That raises a question to be asked to the people of India. Why cant India produce fine politicians, if they can give the world most proficient professionals? Many people may not know that we choose to elect the described ‘third rate political class’ in the world. No doubt it’s a flaw that cannot be rectified until the common man stands up to criticize the hideous and deplorable aspect of Indian Politics. And India will shine brighter!

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