Monday, December 8, 2008

God, its MARADONA!

As a kid, my first glimpse of the ‘Diego Almighty’ was not very catchy. Until a FIFA World Cup match, when I saw this short man running & falling, running & falling, running & falling.. finally managing to reach the opponent’s goal post BUT oh! missing the shot! Even then, he was stupendous. & that’s what makes Diego Armando Maradona a legend!

His recent 2 day visit to India with his girlfriend was just a gala experience that left City Kolkata mesmerized for times to come. Spending time at Mother Teresa House, laying foundation stone of Indian Football School & donating the proceeds of auctioned memorabilia for the School, giving interpreted tips & spending memorable moments with local footballers, doing all sorts of juggling with ball, displaying variations.. Paradoxically it is his indirect interaction with people that has made him remarkably popular among the masses. He can hardly speak or understand English. He has been an overweight, unfit junkie. & he has been highly opinionated. Yet his magical megawatt smile always shone through connecting him with his fans!

The man with 'Hand of God' is the newly appointed Argentina coach, and I feel the visits from such dexterous celebrities should be often in India. It is an imperative way to promote a sport like football that is definite to just a sphere of influence here in the subcontinent. It will not only help the sport & the sportsmen to get the due recognition, and also help youngsters to receive quite critical guidelines from the far better professionals of the world.

No wonder.. that’s what Maradona did. And not only that he created quite a buzz in India, but the soccer maestro even self-proclaimed to be the "greatest footballer" ever in the world!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


It has always been adhoc plans for me with Diidz to watch movies. & its not much of a difficulty in making the choice which one to watch..well..most of the times! It was no different this time either. Though few choices still available, and in consideration, like 'Transporter 3' (pretty good!), 'Burn After Reading' (probable!), 'Oye Lucky Lucky Oye' (I heard its fun!) ..I instead opted for 'Max Payne'! The very comic book like movie is based on a video game about an obsessed outcast cop who’s wife and child were murdered and who is subsequently on a pursuit to track down the killer.

Now if you, alike me, follow the plotlines of this wavering approximation of the game, you are a better customer for this movie. The beginning was precise. But gradually the dim lighted plot turned out to be a dull & conventional twist that ended abruptly. The first timers watching it would find it really bizarre. Even I found it nothing but an empty-headed action with heavily stylized visuals. Feeble characterization, visions of fiery skies, encircling winged-demons, too much dialogs that too 'lame' - turned this ‘could be’ ultimate kick ass action into a dud substantially.

I always liked the game, and kinda like Mark Wahlberg too, who plays the lead 'Max Payne'. But no wonder he is already jinxed playing a leading man. Olga Kurylenko was wasted big time, but Mila Kunis was decent. Nelly Furtado too had an eye blinked shot as wife of Max Payne’s dead partner. As a whole, it was an utter disastrous handling of characters too!

Apart from a few cinematographic shots that were wonderfully done like the snow and rain that falls on gritty NY streets, flaming hallucinations, some cool slow motion shoot-out scenes, buildings blowing up in climax. The only other solid point of this movie was that I found it among the best films adapted from a videogame so far!

Even then..the bitter truth is..Max Payne was a PAIN!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

YES, we can!

Reading through an article in Delhi Times, I felt that silence is not a conventional phenomenon anymore in India. The outrage has grown bigger in proportion than being expected in the past. No matter many believe that this protest came very late, in respect to the preceding tragic events throughout the country. But atleast the people of India together realized that the time to turn ‘Anger into Action’ has arrived. People are wholeheartedly standing up to be counted among those who want to condemn the act of violence.

And why not. India’s upward stature on the world map has definitely made the present situation go international. The smoldering pictures of Hotel Taj have perhaps portrayed India’s optimistic representation of this jolt. And the global impact is not an argot. It is real, and our reason to believe in ourselves that none can counteract.

The front page headline on TOI says, “Will jihadis have last laugh? India has few options” Ofcourse. Post-Mumbai carnage, a lot has to be done to see these jihadis having last laugh. And with few options still available, India should make an exertion to come out of this wretched situation. Let it do whatever it takes to make Pakistan & all its confrontational elements feel virtually paralyzed. May it be bombing the terrorist camps in PoK and around, executing the captured fidayins, shoot at sight the infiltrators, confine the re-emergence of any separatist force around or even taking over Pakistan which just pretense that it is committed to the war against terror and is not, in any way, associated with terrorists.

Though we can only hope that an action against Pakistan is inevitable now. But we are sure that every single Indian Zionist would be a factor in this canvass against the eccentric expression of Holy War! Come. Let us all stand together and say - YES, we can!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Mumbai Fraud!?

“Zaid Hamid exposes the Mumbai Fraud in ‘Mujhe Ikhtilaf Hai’ on ‘News One’ Hosted by Qudsia Qadri”

Did I read correctly: “Mumbai Fraud”? Is it what a 62 hours shockwave expected to be labeled, after being the worst till date on India? But that is very much factually believed by Pakistan. And the fallacious Pak media, playing a commercial catalyst, is definitely churning out their revenues by making this awful episode as a defense mechanism for Pakistan to retaliate the Indian insurgency against the fidayin strike.

The byte that includes trivial annotations by an obnoxious anchor, and arguments from some self styled growling Pakistani who calls himself a Security Consultant & Strategic Defense Analyst, and a glamorous looking yapping female, who dabbled in corporate management & is politically affiliated with Pakistan Muslim League (Q), is doing rounds on Pak televisions as well as on the internet. They just talk and sound SHIT. Check out this video:

Well whether they call it a plan hatched by Hindu & Western Zionists, along with the Mossad (Israel's military intelligence agency) involvement, or a replicated game by India, alike the camouflaged 9/11 by the US. They want to fanatically prove a fidayin who ties a saffron band is an Indian, just because ‘Musalman ye band nahi pehante’. They see a ‘hindu’ in radical faces (mind it. only one terrorist was been shown throughout by the Indian media!) & they even perceived the style of communication is not Pakistani without even hearing the conversation. WOW! Seems these Pakistanis know a lot but don’t want to accept these bastards of their illegitimate country. Then they talk about Parliament Attack, Kashmir, appeasements, water-blockage, being a peaceful neighbor and what not. Ofcourse they even blame India for being incompetent in controlling the separatist extremists within the country, and throwing shit over to Pakistan instead! They can do many more reasoning & go to any extent to put the culpability on India.

But they just don’t get it.

Now shall we all assume that the powerful blast killing 10 & injuring 80 at a Shia prayer hall on Friday in Peshawar is a made up thing to gain commiseration by Pakistan? Ofcourse it is an act of audacity in the times when Pakistan doesn’t have any other choice than to create chaos & kill their own people to show the world that how misunderstood they are. Such diplomacy was anticipated from the panicked. Why should we not believe that this incident was jointly plotted by ISI, LeT, Al-Qaeda & Islamic Zionists, along with the Taliban involvement just for a perception management? But unfortunately, India, its people, its media - everyone is responsible enough to not ridicule this mayhem. Afterall a human loss is the biggest loss.

But whatever hogwash been stated by the Pak media over the issue, they are apparently panic-stricken. Hahaha. I always knew this. Eversince my realization of Indo-Pak discord, I have felt amused on Pakistan’s covetous tactics that only portrayed their ineptitude. They forcibly thrust terrorism in India. First through Khalistan movement, then it was Kashmir. And thereon supporting and training many separatist forces, together with underworld, almost everyday, India went through a fright attack somewhere or in other part of the country in last 2 decades. Now when this toll of terror has overrun, and India looking raged, Pakistan is feeling chills down its spine.

Though somewhere down the line, we too know the harsh reality. India is definitely reaping what it has sown. But that’s not the point right now. After all the demands nullified, and even Condoleezza Rice being unambiguously blackmailed by Pakistan yesterday to clear US’s stand in this situation, it’s a high time for India to stop looking at the world and resolve its troubles with Pakistan straight up.

We are looking at the time when this appalling crisis would reach a conclusion. And YES. The solution has to go towards something that happened to Afghanistan after 9/11.

Let ‘Enough is Enough’ just not be a mere catchphrase. It is time to take the aptly stern action. A crusade which makes intransigent ~!@#$%^&*() like Pakistan, the Al-Qaeda, the LeT, the Mujahedeen, the D Company understand that their repulsive ploys, one of which killed almost 200 and injured more than 300, is not just another confrontation India will resist.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Democratic Catastrophe for ‘India Shining’

With the recent events, which have happened in Mumbai and prior in other cities since last 8 months, have stunned the byword ‘India Shining’. Serial Bomb blasts, Civil War like situation within the country, Warfront: Mumbai. Situational headlines as such have pulled down the valued image of our country from the world map. India shone but integral conditions deteriorated. No matter what the economical success quotient is, but India can still not contend with its internal state of affairs. And who else to blame? It is our political set that has to be condemned for this mortification. The politicians are treacherous, explicitly inappropriate and extremely neglecting in performing their basic obligations and gratifying responsibilities towards their nation and the citizens who put them into power. Their lewd remarks on the outrage of people over recent Mumbai terror attack, proves the height of disconnection between the country’s political elite and the common man. Though Mr. P Chidambaram might be promising enough to assure as new Home Minister, but till how long? Elections may again break our conviction. And at that point of time, we – the people of India, would have to yet again choose these bloodsucking despots who just play a ‘vote bank’ politics, attesting ourselves sycophants. That raises a question to be asked to the people of India. Why cant India produce fine politicians, if they can give the world most proficient professionals? Many people may not know that we choose to elect the described ‘third rate political class’ in the world. No doubt it’s a flaw that cannot be rectified until the common man stands up to criticize the hideous and deplorable aspect of Indian Politics. And India will shine brighter!

My Expressions

Well..I am not much of a writer..but when I feel like, I do put everything that comes to my mind into action or here I go!