Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Rush to the Ebb

Sometimes, it is hard to believe the difference between infatuation and love. Especially when the intensity of any of them takes over your life.

Different emotions, feelings but both are slow, gradual processes..that makes life look better, the world a more beautiful place to feel!

Infatuation is just a Love of Emotion!


brijesh tripathi said...

what bakwaas!
but nice to see that you re-initiated this at least.
Btw, infatuation would not be a gradual process, isn't it?

But then again, different people different perspective.
I must stop before this comment goes longer than the blog.

Anonymous said...

I dont know what to say on this senti stuff... so all i cn say is there is no tomorrow.

U need to explore the true love by unfolding your doubts....

The world looks more beautiful when you know you have the loved one to support you.

"The essence of love begins when infatuation ends"

Anonymous said...

what is LOVE??? any idea??? you cant describe it. Whether it is love or infatuation, feelings are always involved and one should resepect those feelings. I feel love or for that matter infatuation, if any of them gives you peace and pleasure which influences your life for good, that should be treasured. Dont get into the complexities of love and infatuation, in the end, your inner happiness is what matters more. 'Live Life', you never know what is coming your way - Love or Infatuation??? Just live life in it.