Friday, October 7, 2011

R.I.P iSir Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011)

Its just the CEO that died. His legacy would live on..

myApple = iLife!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Feeling a Sense of Nascency

Sometimes, rather, whenever I look at my life.. it gives me a sense of mixed belief. It makes me feel of being incepted all over again in this world to do things that could make a difference in my life.

Offlate I have been encountering more uncertainties than I recognized there are. I see everything as a competition now.. love, happiness, success, wealth, fulfillment, beauty, friendship..all that goes around.

Paradoxically, now a days, the world we live in, sharing of positive consciousness and love appears to be contingent upon. Every single thing about you has to be either just right, good enough or perfect.

Life’s a big race where you don’t know the course, duration of race or the rules. All you know is that there is a reward at the end of it that you are craving for and you have to try to get it.

Life's not a pie!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Rush to the Ebb

Sometimes, it is hard to believe the difference between infatuation and love. Especially when the intensity of any of them takes over your life.

Different emotions, feelings but both are slow, gradual processes..that makes life look better, the world a more beautiful place to feel!

Infatuation is just a Love of Emotion!